All family types of a system family category


I’ve made this script and i actually works (Yay)! Im just not satisfied, because I’ve to choose each wall type. The node im looking for is something that takes all family types of a given familiy (both component families and system families) visible in a model. This would automate some of my trivial/repitive work.
I know Clockwork made “All family types of category” but it doesn’t work for system families. Is it possible, that this kind of Node doesn’t exist?

Is it possible to make it work in another way? get the family types of elements and somehow make them family/types, so I can set type parameter?

Hello, you could simply use Element Types + All elements of Type and then set the type parameter like so:

See also here:

I started out doing that. And it works, but the problem is, that the type parameter writes all types in the template and not only in the model.

Strange, when I use Categories + All Elements of Category + SetParameterByName(TypeOrInstance), unplaced families are not selected and remain unchanged

Hello amyll, you could use OOTB nodes below:

  1. “Categories” with Walls_“All Elements of Category”“Element.GetParameterValueByName” (write “Type” into “Code Block” for input to parameterName)“Element.SetParameterByName” with your “Code Block” of inputs.
  2. “Element Types” with Wall_“All Elements of Type”“Element.GetParameterValueByName” (write “Type” into “Code Block” for input to parameterName)“Element.SetParameterByName” with your “Code Block” of inputs.
    I hope it helps