Adaptive family placement with points from a curve


I am placing adaptive family on the points created from a curve.
“Party breaker” appears with defining the side point. Points are changing side of the curve I assume that is connected to the vector but I do not know how to solve it.

Any ideas how to put all the points on one side?

Best Regards,
Adnan![Adaptive%20Dynamo_2|690x384](uplAdoptive_points_0.0.6.dyn (184.3 KB)
BOX Rotation_v5.rvt (2.3 MB)

Drop here rvt file.

added to first post.

There is some info on something similar here:

But it may be a completely different issue, depending on the number of control points in your family :thinking:
Can’t check the rvt out until tmw though.

@adnandj @Ewan_Opie If the vector is negative you see this kind of behavior. Try this Adoptive_points_0.0.6(For Adnan).dyn (217.1 KB)

Hi Kulkul,

thank you!! But as always this is good but I have a problem appears when geometry is not ideal. I am sending you the Revit file…

BOX Rotation_v6.rvt (2.0 MB)

Looks like you may want a 3rd point in your family so you can specify the vertical axis on placement.

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I have already three points inside and the third point is creating couple of problems…