Accessibility through doors

I’m working on a project in Dynamo, but I’m running into some issues. The goal of my project is to check wheelchair accessibility through doors, but when I verify my script, I get several errors, and I’m not sure how to fix them. Any

Afternoon @101511068 , hard to see without the nodes expanded…. The last node however requires a colour value however not an Int. An example can be found here

Cheers KS

  1. Your filter by bool mask is failing to filter cleanly. Clear up that warning first. What the issue is isn’t clear from the screenshot. Export your workspace as an image after expanding the previews and arranging the nodes so they flow left to right, and likely we can troubleshoot that issue from there.

  2. The Color.Red node is returning null as you aren’t providing an input, however that node tells you the Red value of an existing color, it does not create the color red. Try a Color Pallet node instead.

  3. Override in view will override the doors in the active view. If the door is not visible in this view that is not of much use. If you aren’t setting up a 3D view with all doors visible, you should look to build a filter and apply it to all your QA views (the best practice as it scales to all projects and doesn’t require rerunning the graph every time the model updates), or use an override that applies to a provided view.

Thanks for your help! I replaced the Color.Red node with Color Pallet, but the other two nodes are still showing warnings. I’ve arranged the workspace and attached an updated image. Any advice?

Not all of the doors have the parameter you’re looking for. You’ll have to either populate that parameter, replace it with a functional value, or filter out elements which don’t have that parameter populated (and the associated parameter values).

Considering you are setting a parameter as a result of pulling this one, I would recommend you populate the value.