I’ve been trying to color walls in Revit, in a floor plan view, according to the value of a custom parameter. Coloring them from red to green color range, green = highest parameter values; red = lowest.
It is partially working as intended, I can see the colors inside the wall elements when there is a window that cuts their geometry (which means it has color in the inside). However, the patterns in the Floor Plan view are still not colored accordingly.
I’ve attached images to better explain my situation. Is there another way to override the colors? Maybe using filters?
Element.OverrideColorInView is an old node that overrides the projection fill color using a solid fill pattern. You’ll want to use these two new nodes instead: View.OverrideGraphicsSetting and Element.OverrideInView.
Sorry for replying so late, I abandoned the workflow for a few weeks to work on other things but I am returning to tune it.
What I used is the archilab nodes, which seem to contain a lot of useful functionalities for filtering views. However some nodes may be from older versions of the package.
Btw, this topic and others from the creator also helped a lot:
What is happening in the picture is : walls with custom parameter 30 or less get a red filter, walls with parameter 30-40 get yellow, and above 40 get green and a thicker line