Zach's Adaptive Truss Update

Hello all,

I’m attempting to recreate an ‘old’ video exercise from Zach Kron found here:

I’m almost there but my ‘arguments have issues’ when trying to execute the adaptive truss. I know it must have something to do with my lists. But what? Any help is always appreciated.


Can you provide the warning text. Also confirm that the number of points in each list match the number of points in the adaptive component.

Thanks Timon. The adaptive component has 3 points; start, end and top chord of triangle.



Jay have you been able to make this work? I use the AdaptiveComponenet by Points quite a bit.

No, I moved on. I’ll revisit it soon. Thanks for asking.

Hi, I had similar problems when I was doing the tutorial a while back, the main thing I found that can go wrong is that the line lengths are not equal and you get a different number of points on each line, resulting in a null in the final transposed list. If there is a null it won’t place the adaptive trusses, just extend the line in question to get rid of the null. (Or you can reduce the length of the longer lists using slice.)

I also notice that you have multiple Curve.PointAtDistance nodes, you don’t really need to have so many, just hook the List.Create node from the original curves to a singular Curve.PointAtDistance node. This should give you the result you are after.

Also as a test I always use a PolyCurve.ByPoints node to check the curves are running in the correct direction, and there are no unconnected points.

If you ever get a funny result, just insert a Curve.Reverse node to the Curve in question and the trusses should connect correctly.

Hope this helps.

Hi, I changed a little the code so it works better for me, maybe it will help you;

I changed the Curve.PointAtDistance node for Curve.PointAtParamterer, eliminated the first list, and set a code block to reference the number of divisions instead of distance, so then for each curve I have the same number of points, so no nulls on the list, then there’s no error at the insertion of the truss