Workflow Civil - Revit

Data.Remember will be a Core node as of Dynamo 3.0 too :wink:


Amazing workflow!
I knew about the Remember node, but I didn’t know it worked between different Dynamo flavours! Thank you so much!
About the CivilConnection package: is there any plan to bring it into Revit/Civil 2024 or 2025?
I use it a lot and would like to keep using it.

Well I believe that it could be done by anyone reading this - the code is open source if memory serves. However the original author hasn’t had much free time lately, and so until a customer invests in him doing the work it’s unlikely to happen by his hand. And as there are other options underway (Forge Data Exchange, Data.Remember, etc.) the need is lessening for the usual mega customers. Feel free to reach out to Autodesk Consulting to see about hiring us to pick it up.

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Thanks for inspiration @RMohareb it works in versions 2025 nice.
RememberNode_01.dyn (6.6 MB)
Pipe Networks-3C.dwg (2.6 MB)
Projekt1.rvt (4.2 MB)