Why not allow external numbersliders as INPUT for generative design?

Hi there,

I think having a numberslider where the minimum and maximum are variables would be really nice. I’ve been using a node from the package ‘Celery’ called ‘InputBoundedNumberSlider’, but it cannot be selected as INPUT.

  • Does Dynamo plan to make a variable numberslider happen?
  • Is there a known workaround in the meanwhile?

Kind regards,
Tenzin Lungtok

Can you provide an example of your exact use case of the bounded slider?

If I want to use the numberslider to select a number that I can use as an index number to get an item from a list. The amount of items in that list can vary, so I need the max index to vary too.

this is definitely not the best solution, but it gets close (I think).

Bounded sliders have came up pretty often. I would go add your feature request here too:


Hey that kinda works. You’re right, it’s not ideal but it’ll work i think.
The thing is that a bounded node already exists but cannot be selected as an input node. Allowing that to happen would solve the problem too. Then again, it’s not that easy probably.

Since you’re a moderator. Do you have a view or insight on my other post? I’m basically asking for variables again :sweat_smile:

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Why not parametrize the domain of values dynamically?
parameterize the domain


my one comment on this one is that double nodes don’t work for GD? Right?

Correct. That was intended to be a ‘moving’ variable based on other calculated input - say the maximum allowable span for a framing member selected by a variable index, and the minimum distance between the two points. I’ll try and find time to build a ‘real world’ example later but divorcing it from the specific use case is tough.

@tenzin.lungtok if you (or anyone else) have a ‘toy’ graph this could be applied to in place of the Celery node please share it here and I’ll put something together.