I have created the following script from various sources which I have referenced in the groups in actual script and links below to accomplish certain tasks as NEW to Dynamo. I have slightly deviated from original solution where applicable with my limited knowledge of Dynamo.
This is only one of the issues I am having with the script, but don’t seem to be getting any response on it so simplifying one issue at a time with the main topic here: Align Top Bottom Column with Toposolid - Revit - Dynamo (dynamobim.com)
Dynamo Seems to be duplicating the element so that I have in this case 2 columns on the same X and Y Coordinates as seen in this image
Any suggestions, comments or query in order to resolve from community would be greatly appreciated!!!
Files and Images
Topo Solid Sample Project.rvt (2.2 MB)
Column - Coordinate & Level.dyn (94.3 KB)
Link Resources Used
- Using Dynamo to select and write Coordinates: https://www.cadlinecommunity.co.uk/hc/en-us/articles/360001868817
- Create intersecting Lines (By Modena): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr7cubbliI8
- Control Top and Bottom Levels (By Nissal): Wonder how can I change the offset value of imported column
- Create 3D geometry from Toposolid (By Sovitek): Toposolid nodes
For interest - The End Goal
I currently work for a civil company that specializes in Piling and Sub Surface Grouting. This will be for the Sub Surface where we are given a surface and sub surface (CAD models) from the main contractor and need to give the Top and Bottom of a borehole and it’s coordinates. The attached model shows a few columns for testing purposes and would be a round borehole (rather than I-shaped column used in the sample project). This script once functional would ease workload where a may have anywhere from 50 to 2000 of these boreholes on a site and I need to supply a top and bottom for each and it’s XY Coords.