Why a Dynamo Export one of two Sweep geometries correctly to Revit, but the other, the same Solid, it gives a warning that it is translated into Mesh!!?? (I am using Form.ByGeometry)
Thanks in advance
Can you expand the results of the List.Clean so we can see what the inputs are? My guess is that the input data is either a mesh already, or that it’s not a solid geometry (ie: a surface or polysurface), or that it’s too complex of a form to be imported as a solid and the Revit import tools are resolving it as a mesh.
There are 2 null values in the List.Clean, and I got ride of them to make only the required and the correct Solids sent to Revit, by-the-way, the I have 4 pairs of these Sweeps, 2 pairs are exported well, and the other 2 are simply exporting one!!
Even in Revit when I try to Join, I got error messages
This is the entire Sweep, *By the way I have 4 of them, 2 are working perfectly! and the other 2 is not)
Looks like it’s the later issue of the Revit API converting the import to a mesh due to the complexity.
Without seeing the full graph and data set it’s going to be tough for me to recommend a path forward.
One thought: Instead of making a form by import, move into a massing family and utilize some of the native tools there to get the shape. This will have one major benefit in that the resulting form will be editable but he end users in the Revit UI after the fact,…
I am in Revit Massing file, Are you suggesting that I export the work as Nurbs and curves and in Revit Conceptual I sweep them, (If yes) I failed in getting any node to export Dynamo NURBS as ModelCurve.ByCurve has let me down
Something more like this:
- Create reference points from points on the Dynamo nurbs curve.
- Build a spline though said points, as a reference line
- Set a new reference point at the start of the spline
- Get the plane of the point which is perpendicautlar to the curve and set that as the workplane
- Draw a circle on that work plane as reference lines
- Build the sweep from the reference line and the profile
All of the above can be done via the API, although not easily as the complexity is quite high.
The Idea Dear Jacob, is I am teaching Dynamo for the first time here at the department of architecture at Uni level, and I am teaching my students to design a computational geometries and then STL them in order to print, the whole class is about automation, and they gonna ask why simple Sweep fail, which I my self not really convinced why I sent to you on private message, if you approve my message, so I can send you the script there, thanks dear