How can we do a solid sweep using dynamo, not just a single line route? The path can be a 3D polyline that is imported from the CAD file. Is there any possible way?
Hi @Angel76 probably something here…if cad curve then use bimorph for cadcurves [path]
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This is exactly what I need, but I don’t know how to bring that geometry to revit, would it have to be through a family?
Try searching existing posts first:
Hello. I am somewhat new to Dynamo, have been working to learn the software the past few months.
I am having trouble finding the best way to export dynamo generated geometry back to Revit. The geometry itself is somewhat detailed, a large number of vertical sweeps (~1000) and some horizontal sweeps (~100).
I basically started with a mass family that I am studying panelization options for, one of which will be a series of vertical rods at the intersections of planes and the mass surfaces.
See …
Hi Need Help!!
I have surface that I have created in dynamo that I would like to present place it on the Revit Model. Currently couldn’t find any information on converting surfaces to familyinstances that could placed in the dynamo file. So I need help.
Thanks in Advance
Hi. I am very new to the dynamo. I am trying to create a window family by dynamo geometry.
It is work when I used import instance by geometry into the Revit.
However, it can’t create as a family.
There are two warning appeared one is " A managed exception was thrown by Revit or by one of its external applications " and " Warning: FamilyType.ByGeometry operation failed.
Input template file is invalid for the document type to be created! "
Hi all,
I have been trying out Dynamo for a little while and started to learn Revit API and python script as I saw more flexibilities in them.
I have managed to create a solid square with this script:
box_size = 1.0
box = Cuboid.ByLengths(Point.ByCoordinates(0, 0, 0), box_size, box_size, box_size)
I am wondering if anyone would know how to turn this into DirectShape object in Revit?
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