Warning "Highlighted lines overlap. Lines may not form closed loops."

Hello colleagues, I’m trying to solve the appearance of warnings in my models, and this one, ‘Highlighted lines overlap. Lines may not form closed loops,’ is the warning that appears most frequently due to a compilation I made. Do you know of any way to automatically resolve it, perhaps with an add-in or Dynamo? Thank you very much!

Hello @loremaniezzi - welcome to the Dynamo Community :wave:

This can be a good start (Noting I don’t have a model with the same warning you do on hand).

All warnings nodes are located under RevitApplicationWarning and you have two options to get to them:

  • First option is to use the dropdown and select the warning you care about and then get all the failing elements from that.
  • Second option is to parse multiple warnings at once and get all the failing elements.

In either case, you’ll need to come up with your own logic to resolve them. Remove longer or shorter line? Remove last created line? etc.

Thank you very much! I have a question for you. Is what is shown in the image you sent me intended to automatically eliminate that warning?

It will not, no. It will get you the Elements that you need to do something with :slight_smile: You can take this a couple of ways.

  1. The safest way would be to use nodes that isolate all those elements in a 3D view (Or 2D if they are 2D elements) and you can then manually resolve them.

  2. Or you can create a repeatable script that automatically does this for you. In this case, you’ll need to ensure that your process is set up in such a way that supports that - i.e. how do you know which overlapping line is the one to delete?

In the latter, you would use an Element.Delete node to delete the elements you no longer need after filtering them.