Hi, I’m trying to make a script that handles the literal hundreds of warnings in a project I’ve inherited.
There are endless amounts of room separation lines overlapping walls. I’m after a way of trimming these lines so they don’t throw up the warning.
So far, I’m using the archilab package to get the warnings, and the associated elements. So I’ve got a nice list of walls & model curves to work with (as shown below).
I understand I’ll need to run some kind of intersection test, probably using bimorph, but how would I go about trimming the room separation lines to only the sections that aren’t inside the wall?
Personally I would make sure I had a good archive of all the room separation lines, then just delete them all; completely ignoring ‘where the missing line segments are.
That void in the wall should likely be a door anyway, which would make the need for a room separation.
Hello @danbuckinghamCA67E,
Try to run a demo with one room separator and one wall. Then, in Dynamo, try to reproduce the steps that you would do in Revit. You may need to use Python if the node that you are looking for is not available in Dynamo. In this case, you need to look for trim and split operations in Dynamo. You may have multiple scenarios which needs to be handle differently so it is really hard to suggest a method. I would analyze what different scenarios I have and then try to create an algorithm.
Thanks both, I feared this would be a bigger task than I initially expected, I was hoping there might be a magic button that solved it all, but alas, my search continues!