Warning appears when opening Revit family documents, how to skip the warnings and report them?

Warning appears when opening Revit family documents, how to skip the warnings and report them?

In some cases opening a family document for example open in the background with Dynamo or editing the family from Revit project file or just opening the revit family file from Revit.

The warning says something wrong in the family was not allowed then Revit resolved removing nestee elements or geometry from it and gives you the option to click okay delete or cancel. I would like to hit the button okay and get a report debugging for each file that does this when opening.

It is very annoying because scripts stop opening filea in background unless you choose an option in the emerging revit warning window.

I know this kind of warning is due a dimension length parameter is wrong so the geometry breaks not possible to generate but you see this when opening the file.

You are back into the iFailures processor and pre-processor land which you previously started to get into. See this thread: Ignore or click okay to warnings while opening Revit files in background with Revit - #11 by jacob.small

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I am going to have a deeper look to this to see if i can resolve it with python code

FWIW, due to the pains of various Python engines it might be a good time to transition to a C# node to do the opening and processing. Depending on what actions you want to do could be as simple as one node to do all the processing. :slight_smile:

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I usually pretend to resolve all script in one single python node because the outputs would be enormous lists that take ages for Dynamo to respond. I could try zero touch nodes as well but I try to skip mixing code languages and overusing external libraries because need to install more shit in all computers of whoever is going to run the scripts

Most of the time you have a choice. You can manage ‘which version of the graph to run in which Revit version’ and hope users open the right one, or you can have the same graph for all versions but with different packages. Either way you are managing the content.

One package called ‘Arubans awesome bulk processing tools’, publish it locally or to package manager for each Revit build in the ecosystem, and you’re done.

Packages, Revit and Dynamo versions, incompatibilities or changes in Revit API, IT with admin rights every time something changes and updating. I just avoid that with python script that works anywhere, so keep that focus until I see it’s not worth or something better available. If i make this failure processor work will post code snippet.


I don’t think the “IFailuresProcessor” interface can be used when opening a file because there is no transaction in progress.

You should rather use the TaskDialogShowingEventArgs event (with moderation)