Avoid Pop Ups while opening Multiple Revit Files in Background from Dynamo

Hello Everyone,
I have created a Dynamo Script for exporting the Revit Models into IFC format as needed. attached scripts will try to find all Revit files in specified location and it will open one Revit file and export it in the IFC format with the options specified in the script and then it will close the Revit file without saving it. This process will be repeated for all the Revit files in that location. Until this point everything is fine.

while opening files I am getting the pop ups where I have to manually click on those to proceed further. I just want to avoid these pop ups. Is there a way to modify the script accordingly?

All suggestions are welcome.

IFc export-all Files in a folder.dyn (25.6 KB)

Python Code:

import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

# Import Element wrapper extension methods
import Revit

# Import geometry conversion extension methods

# Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
from System.Collections.Generic import *

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
uiapp = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentUIApplication
app = uiapp.Application

# Import RevitAPI
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

def tolist(obj1):
    if hasattr(obj1,"__iter__"): return obj1
    else: return [obj1]

items = IN[0]
fileversion = IN[3]
wallandcolumnsplitting = IN[4]
exportbasequantities = IN[5]
Projectorigin = IN[6]
#if isinstance(IN[7], list) : inputdocs = IN[7] 
#else : inputdocs = [IN[7]]

oOptions = OpenOptions()
oOptions.DetachFromCentralOption = DetachFromCentralOption.DetachAndPreserveWorksets
oOptions.Audit = True
oOptions.AllowOpeningLocalByWrongUser = True

typelist = list()

for index, i in enumerate(items):
	modelpath = FilePath(i)
	newdoc = app.OpenDocumentFile(modelpath, oOptions)
#	typelist.append(newdoc)
	t = Transaction(newdoc,'export')
	result = []
#	v = view[index]
		#if fileversion != None:
		#	options.FileVersion = fileversion
	if fileversion == "IFC4":
			options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFC4
	if fileversion == "IFC4RV":
			options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFC4RV
	if fileversion == "IFC4DTV":
			options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFC4DTV
	if fileversion == "IFC2x2":
			options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFC2x2
	if fileversion == "IFC2x3":
			options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFC2x3
	if fileversion == "IFC2x3CV2":
			options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFC2x3CV2
	if fileversion == "IFC2x3BFM":
			options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFC2x3BFM
	if fileversion == "IFC2x3FM":
			options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFC2x3FM
	if fileversion == "IFCBCA":
			options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFCBCA
	if fileversion == "IFCCOBIE":
			options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFCCOBIE
	if fileversion == "":
		options.FileVersion = IFCVersion.Default
	options.WallAndColumnSplitting = wallandcolumnsplitting
	options.ExportBaseQuantities = exportbasequantities
#	options.FilterViewId = v.Id
	options.AddOption("ExportAnnotations ","false");
	options.AddOption("SpaceBoundaries ", "0");
	options.AddOption("ExportRoomsInView", "false");	
	options.AddOption("Use2DRoomBoundaryForVolume ", "false");
	options.AddOption("UseFamilyAndTypeNameForReference ", "true");
	options.AddOption("Export2DElements", "false");
	options.AddOption("ExportPartsAsBuildingElements", "false");
	options.AddOption("ExportBoundingBox", "false");
	options.AddOption("ExportSolidModelRep", "false");
	options.AddOption("ExportSchedulesAsPsets", "false");
	options.AddOption("ExportSpecificSchedules", "false");
		#oesn't work. It would be necessary to use OpenInBackground.
	options.AddOption("ExportLinkedFiles", "false");
	options.AddOption("StoreIFCGUID", "false");
	options.AddOption("VisibleElementsOfCurrentView ", "false");
	options.AddOption("UseActiveViewGeometry", "false");
	options.AddOption("TessellationLevelOfDetail", "1");
	options.AddOption("SitePlacement", IN[6]);
	#	options.AddOption("ExportUserDefinedPsetsFileName","the filepath")
	#IFCVersion Version = (IFCVersion) Enum.Parse( typeof(IFCVersion), UnwrapElement(IN[3]), true );
	#x.FileVersion = IFCVersion.IFC2x3CV2
	c=newdoc.Export(folder, name[index], options)

if fileversion == "":
	OUT="Default settings used"

Forgot to upload these images:

MicrosoftTeams-image (3)

Can you please help me here?

Give these threads a read. It will need Python at the very least, and the use of failure processing. Some threads in there have coded examples of how to capture/accept dialogues when opening documents. It can be risky as if the only option is to delete objects it can delete objects without reporting this to you, so be careful.



Other solutions could be to remove keynote files, or reload it on the fly to make sure it’s up to date? I have seen this happen before when the keynote file is located somewhere that the user doesn’t have access.

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Best solution here is to not suppress the elements, and instead resolve the issues. The pop-ups are there for a reason after all. In this case, not having access to the current keynote file could cause some issues with the resulting output of whatever you’re doing.