Hi Everyone,
I’m trying to write this script that allow to insert specific views on specific sheets using Excel’s sheet.
The script works but can’t attach in Revit multiple views instead of sheet’s creation.
I attach here Excel sample and dynamo’s script.
May anyone help me?
Thank you.
Sheet_and_View_Creation.xlsx (11.8 KB)
20200502_Tavole-Viste.dyn (83.3 KB)
This node will fail if the view does not fit on the sheet. Also there is a node to place an existing view on an existing sheet in springs package if i recall it correctly.
It doesn’t work also widening sheet area…
How much did you widen it by?
Your view is 9.8 x 7.5 and the sheet is 3.8 x 2.7, so you will need to scale something by about a factor of 4 (sheet up or view down).
Sure but doesn’t work.
I use also smaller views but maybe I’m making mistakes about nodes.
May you help me please?
My CPU is locked up for the weekend doing a large refinery optimization so I can’t open the graph at the moment, and I have a busy start to my week so you’ll have to be patient. I will also note that for me or others to help, we need the Revit file as well.
This is because the Revit file you are using drives the location of the geometry in the views you are working with, and the dimension of the titleblock family you are using. Both of those are key drivers in determining the outcome.
Hi Jacob,
I attach here my files including RVT, Dyn and excel.
Thank you.