View.duplicate (clockworks) don't make multiple copies

Hi! i trying use the node “view duplicate” from clockworks to make multiple copies of the same table, but when i assign a list of names in the node, only the first name of the list return with a table.
i want understand why i can make this work properly.

excuse my poor english i dont speak very well.

Maybe set the lacing to longest on the view.duplicate node?

How i can make this?

Right click on the node, hover over lacing and when thr side menu pops out, press longest.


Thanks pyXAM that was it i missing.
The problem was solved

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Just for some additional context, the view input is being passed a list of views (1) while the name input is being passed a list of names (10). This is causing the node to treat both inputs equally and match indices which results in only one pair of inputs - hence the one output. Lacing or list levels allows you to force this relationship to continue for each value in the names list, but you could also just provide a single view (not in a list) and the node would automatically iterate over each name.

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