Vector.IsParallel false for 2 identical vectors

Hi! I am trying to sort surfaces by its normal direction.

I am constructing a vector from the 1st to the last object insertion point of family instances I need to dimension by a specific face. After creating the vector I am normalizing it. (That should not be necessary for checking parallelism).
After that, I want to filter the surfaces of the mentioned family instances that have a normal in the same direction of the created vector.

At first, I thought I’d check if they are parallel but to my surprise, that happened.

Anyone have any idea why?

Is it possible to alter the coordinate system of the view so it is always Y/X instead of relative to the view rotation?


Hi lucas,

I have experienced this issue before.
Sadly, I do not recall my exact solution.

However, could you try to check if you have some small imprecision in your vectors?
If so, perhaps you could round off to the desired precision.
I believe this could possibly be the cause - Please see the attached image.


Thank you! thanks Exactly what I did!