Using node Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel to create floor, but there is a problem

Hello everyone in forum,

I have used the node Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel. But it works not so good as expected.

The outline is made from lots of 1m lines and, by the way, two long Polylines are curves consisting many short lines, which seem like to be straghtlines, but not.

This is the script.

the result after using the script is sad:cry:. The floor ist not 100% fit to the ouline.

PS: I’ve tried the node Surface.ByPerimeterPoints. It works well. But I need to create a floor for my Project.
So I want to ask what may be the reason for this result? Can it be the shortage of the node Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel?

Because i am still a new user in this forum, so i can not upload attachments. May be later…
I am looking foward to your Answer!

Try to combine the curves with PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.
Its works for me:

Are the curves from a surface or from modellines?

Hello Fiesta,
sorry for so late Reply, because i get the permission for reply post just now:joy:
Floor.dyn (23.1 KB)
Outline from Polylines.rvt (376 KB)

Here are the script and Revit-data. If you would like to handle my problem, you can try with them.

thank you anyway!

Kelu Li

did you try my first example?
It worked for me with your data. Your dyn file is bugged.
Here is the dyn for 1.3:
flooring.dyn (24.4 KB)

Your initial data changed from face to a lot of outlines. So i used “Select Model Elements”.

Hello Fiesta,

at first thank you for your response!
I’ve tried your first example and the latest script you sent. But the floor is not fit to outline.
If possible, can you show me your result with screenshot?
PS: i use Dynamo 2.3.

You’re right, now I see too, that the floor was not precisely created.
But don’t know why…