I’m trying to create floors from the surfaces generated by the dynamo graph. Ideally, I would have used Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel but the component requires a levels input and I don’t want to create a level for each of those surfaces.
I doesn’t really have to be a floor, but could be anything as long as I can make it appear in revit and I could later change its materials and they would schedule properly. I’ve already checked Revit>Elements by I couldn’t find anything.
Also, if I am to use ‘Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel’, I have no idea what/how to input into ‘floorType’.
Thanks in advance! Be back in about 8 hrs.
Nevermind, just found out Floor.ByOutline is fine. I though use that node would create the floors on only that level. Apparently, revit automatically places the offset.