Using Dynamo to track drafting view version

Hi - I’m trying to determine the best method to track what typical detail version is in a revit project. We have the issue frequently that a typical detail will be amended before a project is completed and we need to know if the project has the correct detail.
I’m not sure the best way to approach this from a dynamo standpoint. I’ve added a shared parameter for revision date of detail and I believe there’s a way to use that to compare the parameter between the project and the container file for the details, but I’m not sure.
Thank you!

That’s a valid option. You might also want a parameter for a Detail ID or something if the view names ever change. Version number or date are fine, just make sure they’re numeric values so they’re easier to compare (although any discrepancy is probably worth flagging.)

You’ll probably have to use Python and the API to compare changes unless there are custom nodes that already do this. Essentially you want to get the container document and return all views. Then filter views for matching Ids and finally compare the parameter values.

It’s nothing too complicated but it will likely require a bit of research on your part if you’re new to Dynamo and/or the API.

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As Nick mentioned you’ll definitely be depending on events here to detect when elements are changed. You could also consider having a company policy of only viewing detail views from sheets versus opening them if they are typical. You could then use a ViewOpened event to determine when a typical detail view is opened (maybe by view type name contains Typical?) and then write a user name and timestamp to custom parameters for the view when this happens, then you know when and who last opened a typical detail view. Events focused around documents being changed are pretty intense as they fire very often so I always try to find less frequent events like a view opening.