Use caution when upgrading to Revit 2022.1.3

My primary Dynamo client recently upgraded to Revit 2022.1.3 (build and most of their Revit 2022 graphs (which were working in build don’t work anymore. It has a new Dynamo version, apparently. I shall have to go through all of their graphs like I have been for doing upgrading between Revit yearly versions.

For example: Point.ByCoordinates(x,y,z); must be changed to Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point.ByCoordinates(x,y,z);
going into BoundingBox.ByCorners or it won’t do anything.

On the Revit side, updates seem to go smoothly (except for the RVT.msi issue), but Dynamo is more delicate. It would be helpful if there was some warning about Dynamo graphs breaking from updates. My client and I did not know that it would be a problem.

This is an issue with another package sharing the same namespace, not an issue with Dynamo versions. Try unloading all your custom packages and see if it makes a difference.

My graphs use many custom Packages, so I can’t just remove them. I shall have to test everything and fix as needed.
Everything worked before with the same Packages.

I just mean as a test. Remove the package paths so they don’t load and then see if you still need to provide the full namespace.

It didn’t change. It’s just no longer unique. There’s another package with a Point namespace that you have loaded. So if you just provide Point.ByCoordinates DesignScript doesn’t know which Point namespace to load from. So now you have to provide the full Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point...

You are correct, but the older version of Revit 2022/Dynamo worked with just Point in that example.

Only because there were no loaded packages with a duplicate namespace OR you got lucky. Sometimes if you write the DesignScript when there are no duplicate namespaces and then later add one it still uses the correct one by pure happenstance.

You can see here I have two instances of the Math namespace (DSCore and Orchid). This is requiring me to specify which one I’m using now. If I didn’t have Orchid loaded I could just use Math from DSCore implicitly.

The point here is that this is just a normal part of managing packages and graphs and has nothing to do with a version change. (Unless something broke between versions, which is possible, but I don’t remember having any issues here and I use DesignScript all the time).

Are you getting an error like this?

Yes, that kind of thing is the issue. At least the yellow error message is helpful. I will just have to test all the graphs for things like that.

There was also a worse crash, I think caused by Bruteforce Get Parameter Value by Name from Bakery in a very large RVT. I tried to fix the node and its sub nodes but just ended up deleting the node and doing it a different way.

Had some other issues, too, and that was just one graph that had previously been working.

It is all fine, and a part of the Dynamo experience, just unexpected.

The other issues I can’t really speak to, but the Namespace stuff I’m familiar with. Just an unfortunate side effect of custom DLLs from custom packages.

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