Upgrade from Dynamo running Revit 2019.2.1.1?

Hi all,

I just started learning Dynamo today so I’m extremely new and inexperienced - sorry if this is a very noob question lol. As a mostly Revit family creator for a manufacturer, I’m trying to write a script to import family parameters and values from excel, from our IOM submittals of our products. I found a great tutorial that imports excel data and processes the data, then sorts and imports the data to the Revit family while creating new family types with the defined parameter names and their respected values.

Long story short in order to do this I need to download the Orchid package. The oldest version of Orchid supports Dynamo 2.0? I’m running Revit 2019.2.1.1 and Dynamo – see attached screenshots.

Can anyone advise what to do here? It seems there’s no way to upgrade Dynamo only - its attached to your version of Revit? Maybe I’m not understanding this right.

Thank you!!

You can download and install Dynamo 2.0.4 for Revit 2019 in the latest builds.

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We all want new features :slight_smile:
