Orchid with Revit 2022

Hi everyone.
Due to company upgrade policy, Revit has been upgraded to v.2022 with Dynamo version at 2.10 instead of the latest version available
Is there any way to get Orchid on this installation?
I know that Orchid is now developed for Revit 2022.2 and Dynamo 2.12. I would like to find some sort of workaround to not lose the scripts with Orchid nodes.
Thank you.

Here are some links,

How to install Orchid for Dynamo! - YouTube

No link for Orchid version 210 :frowning:

Contact etfajo via github. He chose to manage his package there instead of the package manager, so that is your best avenue to follow.

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I found the solution: manually installation of Orchid plugin

which version of Orchid did you install?
