Unable to run the graph for multiple elements

Hi all,
I am trying to import data from excel table into Revit properties palette. In fact, my graph runs normally if I only select an element but when I try to match multiple info with multiple element at the same time it just goes all over the place. I’m guessing it is a lacing issue but I tried to work around that for a while now and couldn’t find the way how to solve it properly.

In this case I have getitematindex node which only allows me to select one set of data and it is understandable why it only works with one element but still, I don’t really know which node I should be using to replace that. So, I would like to ask if anyone could help me fixing this. Thank you.

This graph shows when I selected multiple elements

Few possible issues here… each possible change to fix the end problem could introduce ten new problems. Please upload your graph to the forum or to another web host and if you don’t have the ability to post here and I’ll try and look it over on Monday.

Thank you for replying Jacob. Just let you know that I tried to work around and solved it already :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,