Turn Filled Regions into Walls/Rooms

I’m looking to convert filled regions into room and walls using dynamo. Little background: a schematic designer at my firm really likes using filled regions for simplicity purposes and coloring plans. Whenever they go to present, they deliver plans with walls to show more realism. This process is repetitive, manual, and inefficient.

My dynamo plan was to extract the lines and arcs from the filled regions, turn them into curves, flatten, join the lines and make walls. I’m sooo close, but walls still overlap and arcs can’t become walls. I can get by with walls overlapping for now but I really need arcs to create walls.

Script download below.

Thought rant: Maybe I could use a Model in Place Component to create walls, but I wouldn’t know how to trim the overlapping lines still.

Fill-Regions-To-Walls.dyn (140.0 KB)

Hello @rjohnston could you share the rvt file only with that filledregion and walltype you use.i have just test it on arched curves and works great both with ootb nodes and genius loci wall nodes

Do you know why they think filled regions are easier than walls? Walls have all the same drawing options as filled regions except for splines so it’s really the same process and cleanup of overlapping walls is generally pretty quick and easy.

Either way, Wall.ByCurveAndHeight will work with arcs. You’ll have to share a legible image of your graph so we can see what’s goin on.

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I had the script attached, but the clear picture is below. I did create it with Wall.ByCurveAndHeight but it’s not creating the arcs because of some issues with nodes in the curve extraction process.

and thank you for the help!

We may not be able to replicate your issues without an RVT file as well, since we’ve already confirmed it should work for most curves. Can you try posting the image again but with the node preview bubbles pinned? Again, we can’t really tell what’s going on if we can’t see what the data is doing. A screenshot of the first error would also be helpful.

For me it looks like you dont get the filledregions boundery as i think you want, but not sure :wink:

Where did you get the Collect.ElementSketch from?! I’ve been looking for this command for so long.

Its from Spring package

Thank you, that helped out with the first part. I need to work on other things but I’ll return to this project and send updates if I get stuck again.

@sovitek @Nick_Boyts Thank you both for your help