Hello Everyone,
I’m very new to Dynamo and this is the first script I’ve attempted to build on my own. I’m a structural engineer and frequently have to use regions over walls to highlight load-bearing conditions. The goal is to use the Dynamo Player to select a wall from a linked model and have a filled region placed over that wall’s structure (e.g. the studs in a wood wall).
The thought process was using the edges of the wall and the node “FilledRegion.ByCurves”. The two paths that I pursued were creating a curve based off location line and creating a curve based on the surfaces of the selected elements. The latter was tough because longer walls with openings have many surfaces. I had to manually check each surface until it would produce the region in plan. I thought there may be a way to define which plane the surface should be in and filter it down that way but had little success. Having this script be convoluted and slow defeats the purpose and that’s where it seems to be headed.
Ideally I wanted to just highlight the structural portion of the wall but I wasn’t able to extract info that deep within the element parameters.
Any feedback would be awesome. Most of the information I’ve found regarding filled regions has been based on rooms, ceilings, etc.
Thank you!
P.S. I can’t upload the script because I’m a new user. Hopefully the screenshot will suffice.