Create Filled Region w/ Room Boundaries - No Result

I have a script that gathers all tagged rooms and creates filled regions based off of room boundaries. When run in this specific project, none of the filled regions show up. It works fine in other models. Not sure what is preventing this. Could it be that somewhere the rooms may have lines too small to draw? Would that not yield an error?


Try to create Polycurves from that boudaries, you’ll find out bad countours.
There may be gaps, self intersections and small segments.

They all seem to be created fine, and all intersections are only at corners. Still won’t draw the filled regions…

Seems like the regions are being created as they are receiving an element ID; we just aren’t viewing them in the display. As such we need to do the usual ‘why can’t I see this’ exercise. Some things to try:

  • Select one via the Element Id and see what view it is in.
  • Disable all view templates and design options.
  • Check if it is on a workset which is disabled of not displayed.
  • Make sure you can manually create a filled region in the view.
  • Try creating a new view and see if that fixes it.
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And we can click in this list to zoom in Revit to single FilledRegion:

When attempting to select in Dynamo in a new view without a view template, it says no view can be found:


In what View are the Filled Regions supposed to b e created? Just a Floor Plan, an Ceiling Plan?
Is it one View or multiple Views.

Basicly this

As such we need to do the usual ‘why can’t I see this’ exercise

Also :wink:

It’s just one view, and it’s a floorplan view. It works fine in other models, so really not sure why it doesn’t show the regions here. The first time I tried selecting it with a view template on and view uncropped, it tried to find a filled region in the view, but went to blank space.

Can you share the .rvt and .dyn (if possible)?

I can’t share the Revit file I was getting the error in (which unfortunately may be the issue) but I have attached the .dyn file.

Filled Regions from Room Tags.dyn (33.7 KB)

Also not stripped from any information you aren’t allowed to share? Such as projectinformation, templates an such?

Even with that, no, I can’t share the .rvt, which is unfortunate because I’m starting to think the error lies within the model and not Dynamo.

I will have a look at the .dyn tomorrow. Don’t have access to a PC with Revit / Dynamo today anymore. Or maybe the issue is resolved beforehand.

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So far i haven’t be able to replicate the problem (Revit 2023).

Can you share an image of how the Floor Plan looks like?

Also. Do you run the script on just one Floor Plan or multiple Floors Plans within a project?


This node does NOT refresh for example when you switch to a different Floor Plan.

Out of curiosity, why are you trying to create a filled region that represents the room boundary?

Why not use a room colour scheme ?

Just in one floor plan (the active view).

My use case is designating different hazard zones/types with different filled regions (also have a legend view on my sheets) based on the room type (storage, electrical, etc.). Never really experimented with room color schemes, but filled regions are easily adjustable if there are any shifts in a model, and can easily be changed by type.

Please look into room colour schemes. Rather than be “easily adjustable”, rooms and their bounding components are automatic in their adjustment.

You can create a room colour scheme based on any parameter available to rooms. So if you need to make a hazard zone parameter and associate it to rooms, do that for example:

As for the legend, have a look at colour fill legends (also automatic when updating room colours etc)

Often there is a Revit answer that doesn’t require Dynamo :slight_smile:

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The regions in my script are placed and categorized into different hazard levels based on the room name itself. Is that possible to automate or are you saying you have to manually select each one?

Yes definitely possible, just collect all rooms, filter by room name then set your Hazard Level parameter appropriately based on room name. Then use your colour scheme based on hazard level param

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