Hallo, I am fighting with dynamo/revit recently again and I found a problem that all element placed with dynamo look simply awfull (it does not matter how i create them in revit family cad import or drafting). Am I doing something wrong or I missing something?
this is the used dynamo
And a question at end is there a possibility to place a family instance directly with vector? I can have a precise coordinates of two points and make a vector in between of them but I cannot place a family instance according this vector. Or is it somehow possible?

Thank you all very much for help
Please post the rvt, dyn, and any source data needed to recreate the graphics issue. It looks to be a Revit problem not necessarily a Dynamo one.
To control the rotation I recommend an adaptive component family which will allow for placement by two or more points.
Here are the files.
MT_Try.dyn (58.7 KB)
19.07.03-All_PENZ.xlsx (12.1 KB)
my rvt file have 16mb and the limit is 4mb… so i add here just some families
MT0.rfa (572 KB)
MTB.rfa (500 KB)
I use Metric Generic Model Adaptive Family and try to play with Always vertical but no luck
Hi @Maciiiik
Don’t fight with Dynamo and Revit. Love them and caress them.
My bet here:
The families are geometrecally perfectlly fine.
However I see you are importing coordinates from excel and I don’t see any coordinate conversion in your Dynamo graph. So you might be working in real world coordinates or whatever.
You might be placing your geometry too far away from the origin in Revit and thus compromising the graphical representation of the geometry.
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^ this is what’s happening. You’re well outside the ~20 mile limit (~32000 m). Try and shift your coordinate system so it’s closer to the origin, in this case values like -270600, -2101200 would work. Every geometry engine has it’s limits and you’re outside of the Revit engine’s limit by an order of magnitude.
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Thank you @jacob.small and @viktor_kuzev very much this was the problem. I was outside the Revit engine limit. Now it is fine.
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