Insert family type by coordinates problem

Hi I’m very new to dynamo and need some help. I’ve created a graph which reads an excel file of x,y,z coordinates and places a generic family instance at each location. I can get it to work with non georeferenced coordinates (small numbers) but when I try using real grid coordinates (309503.284 6242656.204, 6.705). The position of each generic family instance coordinate x,y appears doubled (619,006.568, 12,485,312.408) in revit but the z is correct…? The x,y values in dynamo do not match whats placed in revit…

Check with units one which you are importing and project units

thanks for you response. After investigating further…it appears that if you change the survey base point using specify coordinates at a point before running dynamo it adds the values in the BP to the coordinates of the family instances…? strange.

Sorry friend, the same problem happens to me when I load the excel, it duplicates the coordinates, any solution to adopt the real ones? Thank you so much