Trying to sweep along intersection

I’m trying to sweep a profile along an intersection with Revit geometry and just can’t quite figure out how to properly define the profile to be swept. I’ve tried creating a surface by various methods but when I plug it into the input of the sweep I always get an error — sometimes it states that the profile is tangential to the sweep path. So I rotate it, but then it still doesn’t produce the desired effect. I know I’m overthinking something that should be simple so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


I’ve figured out the sweep issue, but I realized my intersection was actually creating two closed loops (imagine the plane cutting the shape; since it has thickness it produced two loops of edges).

So I’m now using a different approach by using the sketch lines that make up the roof shape. The only problem is that I can’t figure out how to get these sketch lines to be used as a sweep profile. Any ideas?


test 2

Okay so I did a little more digging and found I needed to use the CurveElement.Curve node to convert the sketch to usable lines. However, I’m still getting the below error when I go to sweep. I want a defined profile to sweep as a solid along the sketch lines, and actually be positioned along that path. I don’t want it based on the location of the curves to be swept. I apologize as I know this is a novice question - but I’m still new to Dynamo and am trying to learn.

test 3

The rectangle has to be drawn along the path, in the position you want it to be. You can define a plane along the path and them draw the rectangle there. For the curves I think you need to make a polycurve joining your indiviual curves then feed it to the sweep node

Gotcha, thanks Rodrigo.