Geometry.Transform destroys PolyCurve!?

Hi everybody,

I am trying to sweep a Revit profile along a path. Sounds easy but I struggle somehow.
Background: We have a point cloud of a rail track (x,y,z) and we would like to have a 3D geometry to see the track position in the sections. My idea: Get the points, connect them with a line, sweep along…I thought it would be that easy as mentioned, it wasn’t.
Finally I created points, lines in between those points, normal vectors for every point, planes at the points, imported the profile as geometry. Than I wanted to align the profile geometry to the planes in order to have the possibility to sweep them along the lines.
And that is the point I got stuck. I would have expexted the geometry to be as shown in the “Watch 3D” but I received what is shown in the background…a line

Does anybody has a clue what I am doing wrong here?
P.S. Have mercy on me, I am a beginner :nerd_face:

Attached the dyn file import_track_from_excel.dyn (28.6 KB), the profile profile_for_sweep.rfa (324 KB) and and the excel file from which I read the points.KLEINP_3684_li_Planung.xlsx (537.8 KB)

Thank you!

I can’t open your .rfa but, at first sight, I would try with a Solid.BySweep (or SweepAsSolid) node instead of the Surface.BySweep node:

@Yna_Db thank you for you time dedicated to my problem.
The rfa is made with Revit 2018, might be that this is the issue.
To the topic: I think the sweep is not the problem here. Even with the sweep deactivated i get only a line and not the profile I would like to have.

Did you make some tests with another profile? I get some results with a M_ST-Structural Tee-Profile (while keeping the Surface.BySweep node actually)

Yepp, I also tried a steel profile like IPE600


I have this result in Dynamo with Revit 2017.2 but no more explanation around :confused:

The good news is that you shouldn’t be very far from a result…

Yeh…“good” news :smiley: Good news would be: "hey one more node and everything will work fine"
I’ll try it out with Revit 2017 later…

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Change Geometry Working Range … to Large (it is presently Extra Large)

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@Vikram_Subbaiah thank you very much! I guess it’s a problem with small profiles or geometries?
However, it works fine now :slight_smile:

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