I am trying to sweep a Revit profile along a path. Sounds easy but I struggle somehow.
Background: We have a point cloud of a rail track (x,y,z) and we would like to have a 3D geometry to see the track position in the sections. My idea: Get the points, connect them with a line, sweep along…I thought it would be that easy as mentioned, it wasn’t.
Finally I created points, lines in between those points, normal vectors for every point, planes at the points, imported the profile as geometry. Than I wanted to align the profile geometry to the planes in order to have the possibility to sweep them along the lines.
And that is the point I got stuck. I would have expexted the geometry to be as shown in the “Watch 3D” but I received what is shown in the background…a line
@Yna_Db thank you for you time dedicated to my problem.
The rfa is made with Revit 2018, might be that this is the issue.
To the topic: I think the sweep is not the problem here. Even with the sweep deactivated i get only a line and not the profile I would like to have.