Convert perimeter of a geometry into curves

Hi, I generated a curve through the intersection of a surface and a geometry, in order to follow the shape of a dome and I obtained a geometry. Now i need to create a sweep around this geometry, using as profile, how can I convert the geometry to curve? because if I try to use it as a profile it tells me it’s not closed and gives me an error

It’s hard to give accurate advise without you showing more, could you perhaps share a screenshot of what you have AND of what you’re after?

@ame9931 ,

what are you looking for?

loftPath.dyn (60.5 KB)

Sorry, I’m a little busy so I forgot to reply.
I have to make a sweep of a profile along a geomtery, but this geometry is obtain throught the intersect of a part of a dome and lines that i select on revit, as you can see in the first image.
And now i don’t know hot to make it right beacuse if i try to use the sweep panel give me this error(second image)

It seems right for what I need, I made another reply with more accurate image so if you can look and give me some advice, very thanks