Trouble getting the shortest path within delaunay triangulation

Hello everyone, so basically im trying to getting the shortest path from some point to another point

And im using this method.

Also this Method:

Ive already tried the same way with the tutorial.
the first method im getting trouble at Curves.ShortestWalk by LunchBox nodes. my version: 2018.7.7

I dont know whats caused this, any idea?

The second method using topologic nodes.
So im using the delaunay graph as the topology. im getting null at Graph.ShortestPath. i dont know whats caused this

is there any solutions?

Lunchbox hasn’t been updated since like 2018 - meaning you might as well have to run it off a 5.5" floppy disc (the thing shown by the ‘save’ icon if you’re under 40) to get it to work. I recommend avoiding it accordingly. The message is saying the method which they used to generate the final PolyCurve no longer exists (PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves) in C#, as there are required overloads for the joinTolerance, trimCurves, and trimLength now. As they aren’t updating you’ll need to find an alternative.

For the topologic issue, I can’t see the problem.

That said, VASA will outperform both of these methods by a good margin, works in 3D with just about any geometry shape, and gives you additional tools for pathfinding such as finding the path without having to build a massive triangulated mesh (in your example you’d need to build an additional diagonal in your lattice). More here:

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