Travel Path

Dear Gods of Dynamo,

i have a question. is it possible to select an element (fire hose cabinet) and ask dynamo to create Spline from there through driveways and parking spots (avoid them) within a limit for length (30m) ??

by code, i need fire hose cabinets 30m away from each other but since there are columns and cars in the basement, i cant just simply draw a circle and find the location, i need to draw a Spline and go through them.



Look into the space analysis package, or use Revit 2020 which has this feature built in through the UI (accessible via Dynamo without too much effort). A good bit of info can be found on both here:

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well my project is in 2019, and this function in 2020 avoids rooms cuz they are closed by walls, i’m not sure it would act the same with parking spots or columns.

It doesn’t use ‘rooms’ to navigate, but all geometry by pulling it onto a flat plane and walking between the resulting lines. It will avoid pipes, columns, stairs, railings, etc.

So if your parking spot has geometry in the range of the POT, then it will work. The easy fix for this is to make sure the extrusion which makes up the lines is on all sides, not just one, and that your range for the Route Analysis is set to start at 0" above the view’s level.


As you can see with those configurations it works quite well in native Revit.

I realize this doesn’t help with 2019, but may inform your decision to not spend a few dozen hours building a larger workflow that will be outdated once you upgrade.

For the 2019 stuff, you’ll have to either ‘soldier on by hand’ for the time being, or look into the space analysis package I noted above.


thanks jacob

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