Create mesh from surface

Hi all:slightly_smiling_face:,

I would like to create two mesh for my two rooms. Hence, the first step I did is to create two PolyCurves, according to room finishing boundaries. Then, I want to get mesh for each surface, so I think I should create topography for two surfaces first. Am I right? Or is there any way more straightforward?

Please forgive my messy scripts, I tried to test many methods to achieve it. But failed. :cry:


I don’t think you want to use topo…

MeshToolKit & Springs are the packages to use.

FYI… there are 2 types of Mesh in Dynamo, Springs lets you convert between them.

Could I ask what the reason for using a Mesh is?



Hi Mark,

Thanks for your reply!
It’s quite helpful. I would like to a fire evacuation route from the middle point of flat entrance doors to the middle point of communal doors. Hence, I want the route could be straight rather than curves because I need to get the distance to compare with the regulation. From my perspective, the start point could follow the point on the mesh to the end point.
I saw some posts on forum, but none of them use nodes to draw straight routes.

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maybe something like this:

Hi Marcel,

Can I ask which package you use?

i’m using Dynamo 2.0 and Revit 2020
is there a node you cannot find?


I used 1.3.3 version Dynamo and 2019 Revit. I don’t think I have this node.
Is there any node that can replace this?

2 years ago this node was there, it still is

Upgrading to 2020 might be more ideal, as there is a Revit tool for creating paths of travel now.

I knew it. It would be better for me to create nodes for my company cause they only need fire evacuation route and all of fire drawings I will do it in Dynamo. But anyway, thanks for your suggestions.

I’d create them for 2.0 then. 2020 is only 2.x compatible.

That would be great! Thanks!