I wrote a simple definition that would allow me to mass replace certain strings of a text note in a view. When I run it though, all of the text notes turn bold. It isn’t the type that gets bold, the text within the note is.
I have tried to go back through the nodes to find out where this happens but without luck. One weird thing I noticed was that this doesn’t occur if I add a ToUpper node(Rhythm) before the SetText node. I would use this as a workaround(ToUpper -> ToLower) but I don’t want to lose single capital letters within the notes. Ideas?
The OOTB method is probably doing that because they are not using the Formatted Text Option in the API.
I would suggest opening a GitHub issue here and reference this post for them.
Also, without seeing your file or lists, I can guess that maybe your lists are getting jagged and one text note’s property (bold) is carrying over maybe.
I’ve been testing this in a clean Revit file containing just 3 identical text notes so I know my lists are fine. I’ve also tried a bunch of different text note types and properties but nothing makes a difference. The similar node from the Clockwork package produced the same result as well.