Tag Rooms by Parameter - Problems with the 'Create Annotation Tag' node?

Hi @Jens_Kaarsholm!

I checked the files and I found that is a mixed issue between inputs and the node itself:

  1. As you are aiming to tag rooms on linked files, the LinkInstance input for the Create Annotation Tag must be connected with the link instance (you can use the Link Instance output from the Get Documents node.

  2. If you just want to tag one view at a time (as in your example you are tagging on the active view), you don’t need to Cycle the view, as the node will apply the same unique view if this input is not a list.

Until here just find. Now if you actually want to tag in multiple views at once:

  1. You will need to input list with a one to one correlation (point1-room1-view1, point2-room2-view1,…, etc)

I believe I found a bug on the node, maybe @Konrad_K_Sobon can clarify (using archi-lab version 2018.0.6), but I had to change the internal python script at line 84 from:

roomId = LinkElementId(i.Id)


if link != None:
	roomId = LinkElementId(link.Id, i.Id)
	roomId = LinkElementId(i.Id)

So it can handle link elements when multiple views are input (same logic as in line 94 when no link instance is provided).
Hope it helps!
Room_Tags_By_Parameter_Value-alvpickmans.dyn (29.3 KB)