Surface.PerimeterCurves returns incorrect geometry when collected from Data-Shapes MultipleInputForm ++

I have attached my Dynamo graph for reference. This issue only seems to occur when running the graph in Revit 2021 and Revit 2022 (haven’t tried later versions.) This issue does not occur in Revit 2020.

When collecting faces from the “MultipleInputForm ++” node, “Surface.PerimeterCurves” returns the same geometry for every face collected - none of which correspond to the actual face geometry in my project. This is further illustrated by collecting the same faces from OOTB “Select Faces” node.

Edit: The issue is occurring when faces are being collected from Structural Columns. Faces collected from Walls seem to return the correct geometry.

My first thought is that perhaps this is due to some API change in Revit 2021? I’m not great at navigating the API documentation, so if this is true I haven’t been able to identify the change.

Does anyone have any insight into this?

Curtain Wall Formwork_Integrated Columns.dyn (171.7 KB)

We need to see the rest of your graph and the node previews.

The post now includes an image of the entire graph. I believe the applicable previews are showing. If not, let me know.

Have you visualized both sets of surfaces in Dynamo to see if they look correct or if anything else might be off?

Yes, the surfaces from the OOTB node appear as they should and the surfaces from MultipleInputForm apeear in another location - presumably 3 sets of 2 surfaces laid on top of eachother, much like the final result of the graph element placement.

It looks like you may have a transform applied to your model. You need to determine the transform from the internal origin and invert that to match your model units.