Suggestions to refine graph to stop crashing

Hi, if I run this graph with everything it crashes Revit. If I freeze some parts and not another itll run through. Anyone have any suggestions to break up the graph or form it differently to make it more stable running. Maybe some transaction start and stops and certain places might help? Thanks for any help. The graph is to copy sheets with everything out of a linked model into the host model. I think it might just be to many sheets for it to handle in one go. After testing it can do everything but then add the schedule section and itll crash

Graphs to big to post here

Transactions was the first thing I thought of. Make sure your sheets are all copied before you add the schedule section.

Thanks, where would I put them. Before a pass through to start the next thing? Not quite sure how to wire it

Yes. However, Transaction nodes already work as Passthrough or Wait nodes so you don’t have to worry about that part unless you’re starting with a new input for the “next thing”. You can usually just include a Transaction.End after the final output of Part 1 and before then initial input of Part 2.

I was wondering if the transaction nodes would stop the dynamo process all together and release memory or something to start the next thing “freshly” to stop crashing.

I was just thinking about the sheets being made before adding the schedule section. The node needs the input of sheets so it wouldn’t run until the created sheets have been made to wire into it? :thinking: