Starting Dynamo - section boxes -import export SAT files - Inventor


About to try & learn Dynamo (& Revit!) - I can manually import a 100MB sat file into a section box & export a cropped section - into 10 off 10MB files. (SAT files)

This should be possible to automate using Dynamo (any tips)?

(is there any way to specify the size & co-ordinates of a section box - currently these slightly overlap - which is ok, but my searching around hasn’t uncovered how to set a box size accurately).

The sat file will then be opened in Inventor & saved as .ipt files - (thinking of using iLogic for this).

Currently the 10 section boxes are saved & reopened to import the next SAT files, then re saved & the updated SAT file exported.



Here is what I used to create section boxes, the rhythm package should have the node you need:

I had to convert the bounding box to cuboid and then back to a bounding box, otherwise it wouldn’t work.

Many Thanks, I like the idea, next question:

Is it possible to loop through the co-ordinates, guessing to split up 100,100,100 (into 1000 off 10x10) would be (made up code!):

(x,y,z) : (x2,y2,z2)

z = 0 to 10 step 1
y = 0 to 10 step 1

A=0 to 10 step 1
x = x *a

A=0 to 10 step 1
x2 = x2 *a+10

(similar for y & z )

(output a cube named xyz)

Next y

Next z




Cross-lacing is perfect for this, if you are not familiar please read the Dynamo Primer about lacing :slight_smile:
See if this helps:

2022-12-19 Create Grid of Cuboids or BoundingBoxes by Height, Width and Gridsize.dyn (25.9 KB)

Many Thanks,

I have the geometry open - took some time watching youtube tutorials.

The next step is overlaying the boxes on a real model & exporting.




A few tutorials watched, but still looking for how to connect these boxes to section boxes within Revit.

Thanks again.



Scratch this idea- not knowing Revit there may be another approach - scope boxes.

The aim is to cut a 100000kb sat file into smaller sat files which can be imported into Inventor.

This works manually - but the sat file is updated as holes are cut into the building prior to demolition, so the mini sat file need to be updated.

So the dynamo script could be - switch on scope box 1, export the sat , switch off, switch on scope box 2, export to sat.

I just need to create a blank Revit file containing 30 scope boxes & then re import the master sat file each time it’s modified.

Think this should be easy - thought that last time too!

