Spring nodes - "Traceback (most recent call last)..." error

Hello. I am using Flux.io to translate geometry into Dynamo. I would like to push that geometry into a Revit generic model family. Flux.io is creating elements which can be previewed in Dynamo. When I try to plugin the geometry or even a single element of the geometry into Springs.BrepShape.ByGeometry I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 51, in NewDS_R17
AttributeError: ‘Mesh’ object has no attribute ‘Faces’

I’m trying to understand this error. Could someone give me a clue, hint, other as to what may be causing this? Thank you.

Can you wire an ‘object.type’ node to the list.getitematindex node and show the preview?

I was wondering if there was a node that did that. Anyway, here is the result:

Just that clue helped me get closer. Thank you. I plugged in a DirectShape.ByMesh node and was able to get geometry in Revit family editor.

Try a DirectShape.ByMesh (may have the wrong name but searching direct shape should find it) node. It’s out of the box.

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Thank you.

Did the same workflow this morning. :smile: