Problem with family instance by geometry - spring node

Hi everyone. I have a problem using spring nodes.
I created some solids with Dynamo and I would like to import them into Revit in a family. Unfortunately, not all the solids are exported and for those unexported I get the warning: “Expected Solid, got mesh”.
But the solids are created in Dynamo. Many suggestions? Alternative?

We need to see the object types heading into the geometry port for the FamilyInstance.ByGeometry node. Add an Object.Type node after that import, and wire that into a List.UniqueItems node. It should just show a single Solid - put a List.Flatten node in between the Object.Type and UniqueItems nodes if you are seeing sublists.

Hello @Salvatore_Falcone,

With the Revit API families can only be created from Revit solids.
The node you are using converts your Dynamo solids to Revit solids, as there is no direct way to do that it exports a SAT file and imports this SAT file back again.

Unfortunately this conversion fails very often and if this happens the result is a mesh instead of a solid. Thats why you are getting this error. In maybe 5% of cases a solid repair node will resolve the issue, but your only option here is to create direct shapes instead and live with the limitations :confused:

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Thanks for reply Jacob.
The geometry were created with solid.byloft node (screen1) and they are all solids.
I inserted the nodes you indicated (screen2) and some of geometries are reported as system.string.
I do not understand why

hi gerhard, my goal is precisely to create families starting from the solids created in dynamo.
the node partially works. as you can see from the screen some families are created correctly and others are not

Hi does it work if you try ootb create family type and a family instance by point ? you could try family insert from synthezise toolkit as well, not sure if it will be better

Hello @Salvatore_Falcone,

I see what you want to do, but the conversion fails and Dynamo raises an error which for sure is a string. In my experience the OOTB node will also fail for these solids, but give it a try like @sovitek suggested.


However, creating a directshape will work 100% of times but I understand that this is not what you want.


Also try to repair the solids maybe you are lucky.


Or manually look for problematic areas in the solids, points that are doubled or very close to each other, sharp edges and so on.

You can also create the forms directly in the family environment, but this node works with the same method like familyinstancebygeometry, so also with this node the conversion will fail and you will get the same errors.




Can you share a set of points you use for the loft, ideally one that lead to a failing solid.
YOu can store the points in a data.remember node and then upload the .dyn file with only the data.remember node.

Hi @gerhard.p , the .sat file solution might be fine if the .sat geometry is inside a family. Is it possible to export the .sat to the exact location where I have the geometry in Dynamo?

You were already using the SAT method by using the springs node. And it´s this method that fails and leads to the errors.

ok, but it’s very strange, because if I export with the export.sat node the export works correctly

this is a screen of the .sat geometries imported in autocad