Spring node family instance by geometry

Nice to see more discussion on this. The use case I was thinking of was to expand the Spring Node’s FamilyInstance.ByGeometry functionality (and now the OOTB FamilyType.ByGeometry) by: allowing multiple custom geometries to be placed in a single family instance and each have unique material assignment. Actually being able to edit in the Revit environment afterward isn’t important at this point since edit/update would likely happen via the method it was created, Dynamo. Great examples above by the way.

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Any developments on how to add multiple solids to a single family? It is quite crucial for my workflow. This brilliant node allows mass production (no pun intended for masses…)) but I would like to be able to skip having to merge my solids into one (per family). Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Matt

Are you saying you do not want to use solid by union at all?
I don’t know how you would get past that. If that’s not what you are saying, you could chop your solid geometry lists up into the required lengths and use solid by union, most likely at L2.

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I don´t want to use “solid by union” at all, because I need the individual solids in my family. But I can´t get the node to do that, as it thinks I want to create 12 families but only provide the unique name for 3 families. I finally decided to read the description to the node, and it clearly states: “The node expects a unique family name of EACH geometry object” (italics mine) So, case closed. Perhaps in the future it will be possible to combine several objects into one Family. Ideas welcome.