Splitting a Pipe in divisions

I was trying to split a pipe in Revit into multiple divisions of a particular length using the default coupling. The MEPFittings.ByPointsAndCurve node from MEPover package disconnects the pipe and the placed fitting/coupling is also kind of floating there. Please suggest.

Split Pipe for divisions_1.dyn (18.7 KB)

Hi @theshysnail

Why not just split the pipes without adding Coupling?


Thanks. Could you share the Python code?

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I join the request to send the Python code.

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Python script is still only option if I want split pipes but without placing fittings?


someone can share that script? I found something like bellow but is not working, node make only one split

First you need to change the lacing to longest.
The node split the pipe and create a new one (check the Ids)
You can use the geniusloci package too and delete the fittings later.

thanks for answer, for lacing to longest I have this bellow.
Yes script split the pipe and anather split should be not in the pipe 5457727 but on the new pipe 5457855. I not using Genius Loci because I want pipe connectors after the splitting the pipe that will have the same coordinates (zero distance between coordinates next to each other after splitting the pipe)

strang, now is working with “longest lacing”, thanks :slight_smile:

Glad to hear! :slight_smile:
You need to restart your script every time, maybe that’s why you have a empty list :wink:

can someone please share that python script ? I am unable to find it

Hello @mustafa.18becim014 and welcome :wink: this post is a little bit old and things had changes since that…try split by point from genius loci, will work on duct, pipes,beams,columns,walls but not cabletrays or conduit…and written in python