Revit Pipe Split and Coupling

Hello all, I am recently trying to create splits on pipes and couplings on the splits but with no success. I have tried a script with the help from this forum as well, but the problem always persists with the last node. In the forum I have seen people using Genius Loci and other python scripts. The problem with Genius Loci is that I cannot download the particular package as my office system blocks it, and the problem with python script is that it’s not working, and I have tried everything but to no avail. I need help regarding this on the alternatives of the python script and the genius loci package, if there is any. If there is any modification needed to the whole script as well, please tell me.

Hi @bppanda is it something here you are after ? anyway your fitting node expect list of list if that one is from Mepover, and if 23-24 be sure you have ironpython 2.7 ver 2.5 as well, but in my opinion that isnt so stable as split and use X fitting nodes…probably just me :wink: :wink:

Hi, Its not this problem that I am worried about. That MEPOver is working correctly. I have one another issue where i want to split the pipes at interval of 6000mm and add couplings to it. I have already attached the script above of which I am working currently.

arhh allright…but why you not just use the fitting node again for split, insert coupling ?

Hi, the split and addition of coupling was successful with the first code itself when I tired, but it’s creating something like this. Can you pls explain where i am going wrong?

no not sure…but as mention that node isnt so stable…cant remember but guess you need to edit the python for get it to work…but does it work on x fitting for you?..actuelly for split i normally use genius loci split tool and that one will insert a coupling in every split as well, controlled by your pipe series settings

ps seems you have insert couplings…and just need set the size parameter for couplings …i guess

Hi @sovitek, thanks for your responses and help, somehow the tool worked with a different family now and it’s all good :sweat_smile: I am getting the desired result now.