Trying to get all solids in a nested family. (Family editor)
Some solids listing as surfaces. When is a solid not a solid?
This part says it is a solid in the part family when I select the geometry.
In the Top-level famliy when i get it’s geomery in dynamo it shows as surfaces.
filter the elements containing the surfaces use polysurface.byjoinedSurfaces node and make into a poly surface first and then use Polysurface.ExtractSolids node now you get a solid geometry then you can convert it into direct shape by using DirectShape.ByGeometry node
It looks to be a problem with Dynamo. The part in question is continuously coming up as a solid when queried in Revit. It only falls apart when being accessed in Dynamo. Any insight on this?
Attached the part file.Browning S T R1 T2 Bushing_2 9375.rfa (344 KB)
This is a five year old topic (meaning whatever software in use at the time of the original posting isn’t supported anymore and is quite different as a result) and your data set and resutls differ from the original post.
Please start a new topic, including an RVT file containing nothing (new file, from template, none) other than one instance of the geometry that doesn’t convert.