Conver Mesh to solid in dynamo by "Solid.ByjoinSurface"

Hello everyone!

I am using Revit 2024 with Dynamo (the new version). I would like to use Dynamo to select the solids in Revit. After that, I use the “Element.Geometry” node which shows the mesh in Dynamo. Now, I would like to convert the mesh to a solid in Dynamo. This is because I want to use “intersect.geometry” in Dynamo.

The trouble I have now is figuring out how to convert the mesh to a solid. If you know the best way to do that, please help!

Thank you so much! <3 heart

This is link to download my project and dynamo: Question 1 - Google Drive

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This is the best way I just fix it! Thank you so much when to look my trouble!
Thank you all!


Awesome! Can you advise on what’s in the Code Block, can’t really read that?

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W Mesh.Topolysurecface is the one node of “tookitMesh” or “StringsNode” Packages. I hope you can try it.