Hello ,
i have a direct shape elements in Revit which i cannot snap to or put dimensions on them , is there a way with dynamo to resolve this issue ? so i can maybe recreate those elements to dimension them
Thank you for any help
Likely, yes you can find a way to do this. How will depend on the direct shape itself, and a number of other contextual factors which you haven’t provided so I can’t help with specifics.
I do recommend revisiting the workflow which created the direct shapes in the first place though, as that is likely going to continue to cause more and more issues over time.
hello Jacob,
Thanks for your reply , i attached the revit file .as you will see in the revit file i cannot snap to any element and they are all imported as generic model, i want to become able to snap to them or recreate them as revit native element . is it possible to recreate them or at least be able to snap to them? Thank you
How did you make the direct shapes to begin with?
I would say as Jacob…becourse i guess if it direct shape the geometry will be mesh…probably spring mesh tools can help…havent tried know it isnt dynamo but probably speckle could help
but you could try something here and you should be able to create dimension…but keep in mind the run will take some time, so take a cup coffee and will probably sometimes crash as well…so not the best
it was exported from navisworks to speckle and then from speckle to Revit , is there a way if i have an ifc in navisworks that i convert it to native revit elements? through dynamo or rhino
Hello Søren you are always the master thanks alot it works
Anything is possible, but the root cause of the workflow is the IFC in Navisworks. Instead of IFC > Navis go from IFC into Revit directly, as it’s own model and link into your design model.
for info, there are some API methods to add References geometries to DirectShape
Here an example with AddReferenceCurve
the process takes a little while because I’ve merged some MeshTriangles
to remove the diagonal lines from the Mesh
. with PolySurfaces.UnconnectedBoundaries()
import clr
import sys
import System
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
import Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry as DS
import Revit
#import Revit API
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import Autodesk.Revit.DB as DB
#import transactionManager and DocumentManager (RevitServices is specific to Dynamo)
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
import itertools
def normalTriangle(tri):
pt0, pt1, pt2 = [tri.get_Vertex(i) for i in range(3)]
vec1 = pt1.Subtract(pt0) #XYZ.Subtract
vec2 = pt2.Subtract(pt0)
normal = vec1.CrossProduct( vec2 )
return normal.Normalize()
def group_coplanar_triangles(lst_tri, n=0):
if n == 2000 or len(lst_tri) == 0:
return []
group = [lst_tri.pop(0)]
group_normal = normalTriangle(group[0])
while True:
init_len = len(group)
for idx, tri in enumerate(lst_tri):
if group_normal.IsAlmostEqualTo(normalTriangle(tri)):
if len(group) == init_len:
return [group] + group_coplanar_triangles(lst_tri, n + 1 )
def get_geometry_curve(elem):
global opts
curves = []
for geo in elem.get_Geometry(opts):
if isinstance(geo, DB.Mesh) :
lst_triangles = []
for idxA in range(geo.NumTriangles):
tri = geo.get_Triangle(idxA)
# group coplanar triangles
for grp_tri in group_coplanar_triangles(lst_triangles):
lst_surfaces = []
for sub_tri in grp_tri:
lst_ds_pts = [sub_tri.get_Vertex(i).ToPoint() for i in range(3)]
ds_surface = DS.Surface.ByPerimeterPoints(lst_ds_pts)
polysurface = DS.PolySurface.ByJoinedSurfaces(lst_surfaces)
boundaries = polysurface.UnconnectedBoundaries()
boundaries = []
# dispose geometries
for x in lst_surfaces : x.Dispose()
elif isinstance(geo, DB.Curve):
return []
return curves
def toList(x):
if isinstance(x, (list, dict)) or \
(hasattr(x, "GetType") and x.GetType().GetInterface("ICollection") is not None):
return x
else : return [x]
#Preparing input from dynamo to revit
lstelems = toList(UnwrapElement(IN[0]))
opts = Options()
geometries = []
errors = []
#Do some action in a Transaction
for e in lstelems:
if isinstance(e, DB.DirectShape):
for ds_polycurve in get_geometry_curve(e):
for ds_curve in ds_polycurve.Curves():
except Exception as ex:
OUT = geometries
so cool as always I would bassicly try avoid that situaton, if it ifc just import