I have noticed that there are some people who had some problems drawing slopped floor from excel, this script would help to draw sloped floors based on points , , the points are extracted from excel , the points are Coordinated as XYZ Points or ENZ ,and the points are coordinates for lines from AutoCAD you need to have several packages installed, Archilab, Datashapes,Clockwork. Civil Infra Benelux (CIB)
The points are first connected as lines , then a rectangle is drawn in 2D and in 3D, the 2D points are used to create the floors , since they can only be drawn in 2D, and the 3D points are Drawn to take the shape of the sloped floor,
I Hope this would help someone in the future
FLoor PointsV3(Organized).dyn (85.4 KB)