Show/Hide Colour Override with True/False

Hello Community!
Easy question. I want to reset override any time I want, ideally with a true/false option in Dynamo Player.
I tried couple of stuff with if statement but does not work. Any ideas?BooleanPlayerColourOverride

Hi @el.kik

Which boolean are you looking to reset element? True to Reset or False to Reset?

I will set the Boolean as Dynamo Player Input and when is True the Override shal be true and vice verca

Add Elements to True Input, List.Empty to False and Boolean node to Test. That will allow you to switch on/off.

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Couldnt you just pass in a new OverrideGraphicSettings without any modifications to force the reset so you switch between your modified version and a not modified version.

Also your boolean is the test and should not be put into the true slot, add a null or a empty list into the false slot.


Like @Brendan_Cassidy showed.


may i ask which package is the View.ResetElementOverrides came from?
is it the same with Element.ResetOverridesInView of the Clockwork package?

Coz i tried with Element.ResetOverridesInView it does not work

Tried updating the clockwork. Using View.ResetElementOverrides now still not working on my side… :frowning:

Erase completely Clockwork and download from packages the Clockwork for Dynamo 2.x the latest newest version! As you can see you find this node in Clockwork.
Moreover, substitute you last node on the right Element.Reset… with View.ResetElementOverrides (after you donwload the right Clockwork and keep the lacing as you have it) and I would say you change also the fill pattern to “Solid”. Sometimes the elements are highlighted but due to bad “hatching” you cannot see it.
Let me know if it works!